Monday, April 10, 2017

Acne treatment draper Utah

Teen Acne

Now that your sweet angels are back in school, (finally right?) its time to think about their skin health. The key to keeping teenage acne under control is in preventing the buildup of blackheads and other follicle oil deposits that harbor bacteria and inflame the Acne treatment salt lake city skin. But, you know how hard it can be to get your teen to even get out of bed in the morning much less follow a disciplined cleansing routine. You don't want to put them on medications because they only work for a short while and can pose real health risks over time.
Here's my advice for at least beginning an acne reduction plan:
1.    Wash the face at least twice daily but avoiding hot water (dries the skin, produces more oil).

2.   Exfoliate the skin to remove overgrowth of follicles that trap oil and bacteria.
3.   See a professional esthetician (such as Charlotte!) who can remove the more severe trapped oil and debris that is leading to outbreaks.
4.   Avoid salty foods and those laden with sugar. These both Anti aging facial draper utah increase oil production and encourage inflammation.
5.   Try not to pick at the face (I know, I know...) This often leads to permanent scarring and even worse acne lesions.

My acne reduction treatments WORK and save your teen lots of pain and embarrassment. Plus, they'll listen to me when they won't you!

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